Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Communication, Religion, And Culture - 1809 Words

In the macrocosm of life, there are several features that culminate together to form an individuals existence. However, there are three major features that often dictate the course of an individual s life. Those facets are communication, religion, and culture. Communication, as a field of study, is arguably one of the most extensive and elaborate topics. Regardless of the station of life, the sector of work, or complexity of establishment, communication is used. Communication is necessary for life to function. Not only that, but it is especially necessary for life to function well. With this in mind, it becomes easier for one to recognize it s importance. In the same way, religion can be identified as another major facet of an†¦show more content†¦This microcosm will be seen to maintain the attributes of the macrocosm: communication, religion, and culture. Examples will be cited through a variety of choral circumstances, but they are not indicative of differentiation betwee n the styles. By viewing choral assembly as a microcosm, one might be able to better grasp its representation of a complex structure that encompasses human existence. Background In order to extend the understanding of choral assembly, it is necessary to look its historical contributions. Most commonly, choir music has been attributed to the era of Antiquity, leading to the Renaissance, Baroque, Classical and Romantic periods. Individuals often think of choral literature, such as George Frideric Handel s Messiah, or the Requiem in D minor by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. While this is not incorrect, it definitely lacks a significant portion of history that is preceding and proceeding. Dated from 1446 B.C. - 1260 B.C., the book of Exodus relates the event of Moses leading the people of Israel out of Egypt, their enslavers. 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